Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre benefits from extensive maintenance programme
Vital works to upgrade facilities are underway and will be completed over coming months.
Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre, which is currently shut in line with government guidance due to Covid-19, will be formally closed from 30 July until 31 October, to enable significant improvements to be made to the building. The upgrade includes a new wooden sprung flooring system in the sports hall, replacement of glazing and lights, various utilities works, and installation of a new boom in the 50m swimming pool.
These works are being carried out by Aspire Defence Services Limited (ADSL), and were originally scheduled over the summer holidays, to minimise inconvenience to both military personnel and term-time swim schools and clubs. Due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on public access to sports facilities, some works can now get underway without causing additional disruption to Leisure Centre customers.
As Covid-19 restrictions are eased and phased works are completed around the building, the Sports Centre will operate staggered openings for on-site facilities including squash courts, the gym and sports hall. External facilities will not be affected by these works, although these have been closed to the public during lockdown.
The pool will need to remain closed until 31 October because replacing the boom, which enables the water depth to be adjusted for training and competitive events, is a complex task that requires drainage and refilling of the tank. Although this work cannot be brought forward due to the lead time in manufacturing, it is still on schedule despite the impact of Covid-19 across the globe.
James Smee, Manager of Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre (ADSL), said:
“We would like to thank all our customers for their continued patience and understanding throughout lockdown and during these works, which are vital to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Sports Centre and to enhance its through-life performance.
“We will ensure regular communication with our customers throughout this programme regarding any changes in accessing our facilities, in line with completion of the works and the latest public health advice.”
The Sports Centre maintenance works are being funded under the Project Allenby/Connaught (PAC) contract, managed by Aspire Defence Limited on behalf of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation. Under PAC, Aspire Defence is responsible for upkeep of the defence estate at Aldershot and across Salisbury Plain Training Area, ensuring soldiers and garrison communities have access to modern, high quality facilities.
Sports Centre customers are advised to follow Twitter to keep up to date with the latest developments: @OfficialAGSC
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