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Posted - 9th October 19

Army Basing Programme creates ‘greener’ garrisons

PV Panels

As we create better environments for soldiers to live, work and train, we’re committed to caring for and enhancing the wider environment too.

This means not only ensuring safe working practices on our construction sites, but applying sustainable development principles across all aspects of our delivery for the Army Basing Programme (ABP).

At Tidworth, Bulford, Perham Down and Larkhill garrisons, photovoltaic panels now cover 5,920m2 of roofing on new buildings installed by Aspire Defence Capital Works (ADCW), providing potentially 508,798 kWhr (kilowatt hours) of electricity annually (see photo). Any unused energy is exported to the garrisons’ private networks for reuse in other buildings. ADCW has also reduced water leakage rates and incorporated water efficient fittings to Army buildings, such as low flush toilets and sustainable drainage systems.

While electricity and water savings are being maximised, waste generation has been minimised: 100% of non-hazardous demolition waste is crushed and reused on site. At Perham Down, the CL:AIRE Definition of Waste Code of Practice methodology was applied, to re-use around 15,000m3 of excavated material to level new sports pitches for soldiers. This avoided approximately 3,000 lorry journeys to transport the material to landfill. ADCW continues to monitor use of plastic, too: Rollalong, supplier of soldiers’ single living modular accommodation, reuses packaging at the company’s request, and single use plastics are banned.

There’s also been a focus on helping wildlife to thrive. Over 600 bat bricks, boxes and cavities have been installed in new buildings. Barn owl boxes, reptile refuges, a great crested newt habitat and an artificial badger sett have also been part of our conservation efforts, alongside extensive woodland enhancement and butterfly habitat improvements.

Since ABP construction began in 2016, ADCW has worked closely with the Army and Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Wiltshire Council, the Environment Agency,  Natural England and Historic England. The company’s environmental achievements have contributed to the exceptional scores achieved across all sites under the Considerate Constructors Scheme. ADCW’s work was also shortlisted for two Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment sustainability impact awards.



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