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Posted - 20th July 17

Over 30,000m2 hardstanding resurfaced

Hardstanding at Bulford - finished

Over 30,000m2 of hardstanding have been resurfaced by Aspire Defence Services Limited (ADSL) at Wing Barracks, Bulford, delivering a 20% increase in parking capacity for 19 Tank Transporter Squadron (19 Sqn).

Over 200 deliveries of blacktop and more than seven miles of white lining were needed for the area, which has a substantial volume measuring 1,668m3 – equivalent to 150 concrete mixer trucks or 10,000 bath tubs.

Following an initial six weeks of planning, including site meetings involving ADSL, 19 Sqn, KBR FTX Logistics and contractor CR Civils, a timescale of a further six weeks was originally allowed to carry out the life-cycling works.

Yet the project was completed in December 2016 – an impressive two weeks ahead of schedule – despite the logistical challenge of working in an area where 50-70 vehicles are usually parked up.

ADSL Project Manager Dylan Olivier explained:

“An alternative hardstanding was used for parking the OSHKOSH vehicles but there was very limited space, so we agreed that the work would be carried out in four phases.  As soon as the area was resurfaced, temporary parking bays were created until the white lining could take place, which was delayed because of weather.”

Thanks to efficient planning by all involved, 19 Sqn’s daily operations were largely unaffected throughout the works.

Captain Liam Harkin, Quartermaster, recalled:

“The project caused little disruption to 19 Sqn’s daily operations as I was able to secure alternative parking facilities for the Heavy Equipment Transporters (HET) and trailers. Other Units that were affected [were informed] to ensure they made alternative parking arrangements for personal vehicles.  FTX were very co-operative in moving the vehicles from the project area to the alternative parking area.  The project team made arrangements to warn other road users and divert traffic where required.”

Steve Coady, Operations Manager for FTX Logistics Ltd, explained:

“We are responsible for the maintenance of the HET Fleet in their very busy workshops and were able to have both uninhibited access to and egress from the workshops throughout the process.  This involved regular communication between all the stakeholders in order to ensure the safety of everybody and the availability of equipment for regular daily tasking.”

In total 54 loads of tar muck were planned off and removed from the area, with more than 1,000 tonnes of tar bound waste stockpiled at Larkhill.  This will be recycled for future works to be delivered by Aspire Defence – an example of the sustainable approach being implemented across Project Allenby/Connaught (PAC).

Following tar removal, over 380m3 of Binder course material and 1,258m3 of Supreme Asphalt 14mm carriage were installed.

Dylan said:

“This product was previously used at Warminster Garrison where the tank workshops are situated.  It performed so well there under a high stress environment that we chose to implement it again at Bulford.”

The fact that such a complex project was completed well ahead of its deadline is testament both to the proficiency of the ADSL team and the collaboration of various partners involved, proving that PAC sets the standard as an effective model for successful partnership.

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