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Aspire Defence Limited (ADL) is responsible for overseeing the ‘life cycle’ of all assets built and maintained under the Project Allenby/Connaught contract.

The Operations team within ADL is also responsible for managing the ‘change’ process: ensuring a responsive service, accurate projection of maintenance costs and long-term value for money for the customer.

Significant investment is made by our funders to ensure accommodation of an appropriate standard is available to support the Army in its training and operations.

Modern, comfortable sleeping accommodation, diners and messes serving healthy, nutritious meals, sports facilities underpinning extensive physical training and state-of-the-art medical facilities all support the welfare of soldiers – and their families and wider military community.

Safe, compliant workshops to maintain military vehicles and safe, secure storage for weapons and ammunition are also priority assets under contract.

We ensure accommodation is built to the appropriate quality for us to successfully maintain the Defence estate through to contract end in 2041.  We will then hand back to the MOD all the assets maintained and operated by Aspire Defence since 2006.

Find out more about Life cycle projects below…

Maintaining the MOD estate

Quality assurance

We liaise with Aspire Defence Capital Works and its suppliers to assure the quality and compliance of construction, specifically at commissioning and handover stage when customer satisfaction is key.


Interior of diner

Performance evaluation

We are responsible for evaluating and reporting on statutory and contractual performance in relation to facilities management services delivered on the Garrisons.

CATT refurb

Life cycle projects

Network upgrade at Warminster

Find out more

Tidworth Leisure Centre refurb

In pictures

Major refurb of Army’s top tactical trainer

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Over 30,000m2  of vehicle hardstanding refurbished at Bulford

See the results

A new roof for Aldershot’s iconic Catholic Church

Project completion - January 2018

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