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Posted - 2nd September 24

Telling the story of the British Army’s proud tradition of sporting success.

There is a little gem of a museum behind the wire on the PAC estate in Aldershot.

Open to the public at Fox Lines just off Queens Avenue the Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) museum has a raft of notable memorabilia from various famous British sportsmen and woman including Dame Kelly Holmes, Kriss Akabusi and Barry Lilywhite.









Telling the story of the officers and instructors who train the British Army to be Fighting Fit and Fit to Fight and the RAPTC remains an integral part of the British Army

The ADL chief executive Allan Thomson visited to meet the RAPTC Regimental Secretary Steve Collinson and the museum curator Jarrod Steadman.

The museum charts the history of the RAPTC from its inception in 1860 to the present day, educating the public and members of the Corps on its  military accomplishments.  It has an ambition to increase attendance, raise awareness of its presence and the RAPTC role in the Army as well as encouraging local children to get involved in sport.

Aspire Defence Ltd has provided support to assist its endeavours and will continue to support this museum through its development as an Army heritage asset.

As well as being the museum’s home, Fox Lines is where the future RAPTC leaders are trained and Aspire is proud of its role in providing facilities to enable their transition from soldiers to RAPTC SNCOs.

Go here to find out more about visiting the museum, or see the walkthrough guide.


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